Features that makes our software different!

Along with all the common features of an ad network, some of the key features that make us unique are...


Partner Statistics Retrieval

Effortlessly fetch partner statistics using their network code.


Comprehensive Partner Management

Manage partners efficiently with a suite of tools tailored for ease and control.


Multi-Admin Support

Empower your team with multiple administrators for seamless collaboration and oversight.


Integrated Ticket System

Resolve issues promptly with a built-in ticketing system for smooth operations.


Automated Alert Triggers

Instantly detect unusual activity across partner accounts, Automatically generate tickets for partners to address detected issues swiftly and proactively.


Today's Report Access

Instantly view real-time reports for each partner's network code, providing up-to-date insights into performance and activities.

With Adx Guard, You can ...


Investigate Adfraud Instantly

Validate Traffic in accordance with MRC guidelines for both General & Sophisticated Invalid Traffic


Protect Ads Spamming

Filter out invalid clicks and protect your ads from getting displayed on suspicious sources


Verify Users And Affiliates

If you engage in third party traffic, it would be useful to know , if the traffic source Connected you


Insights From Page Visits

Know if a user visit / page view is from a genuine or suspicious source. Handy when buying traffic


Validate Conversions

Use our APIs as a postback with any tool and check if the conversion is fake or genuine


Verify Users IPs and Domains

If you just want to verify IPs, Domains / App Bundles, you have hit the spot.


Get Sources Reports

Drilled down reports on your traffic quality. Get to know the bad sources, threats detected etc.


Protect And Block IVT's

Enable stronger supply chain. Integrate through magic tag and MagicSDK

AI for Detecting Unidentified Traffic and Revenue

Our advanced AI is designed to keep your Google AdX operations running smoothly by identifying and managing unidentified traffic and revenue. This ensures that your data remains accurate and reliable.

  • Real-Time Detection

    The AI continuously monitors your traffic and revenue data, spotting any unidentified sources instantly.

  • Automatic Alerts

    When unidentified traffic or revenue is detected, the AI sends immediate notifications, allowing you to take swift action.


How it works - 3 easy steps

Start making money in just 3 straightforward steps!

  • Open adsguard.com

    You can access our website from all your devices, be it android, apple or windows!


  • Head to contact us section

    Free Tier is also available

    Fill your details and submit the form so we will know that you are interested.


  • Get yourself an account

    Have any questions check our FAQs

    We will get back to you and walk you through the proccess of getting your account setup in no time!



Pricing & plans

We are cheapest in the market & richest in features.

Prices have dropped !

Single User (SAAS)

For the basics
Starting from ₹1200
  • SAAS Based
  • Single Account
  • Add Unlimited AdEx accounts to monitor
  • Check Auto triggered tickets
  • Check tickets created by admin & reply
  • Check earning stats of added accounts
  • Check unknown data on AdEx accounts
  • Auto monitoring of all added network code
  • Auto tickets triggers
  • Unknown traffic and impression monitoring for all added network codes
View more

For Individual

For the basics
Starting from ₹12000
  • Self Hosted
  • Single domain license
  • Add new Account to monitor
  • Check Auto triggered tickets
  • Check tickets created by admin & reply
  • Check earning stats of added accounts
  • Check unknown data on AdEx accounts
  • Auto monitoring of all added network code
  • Auto tickets triggers
  • Unknown traffic and impression monitoring for all added network code
View more

Not sure what to choose ? contact us for custom packages


You won't need to, our system retrieves the data automatically.

Yes, you can assign different permissions to multiple administrators in our `for organization` package.

Use our integrated ticket system to raise a request, and we'll assist you promptly.

`For Business` is for Google MCM Partners, where MCM partners can add a user who is registered under them,thus can manage them. They can also add a small level partner who can add their publishers. MCM Partners can manage all these accounts and their partner agencies

`For Individual` package can be used by individual Google Adx publishers where they can monitor all the sites in their account. Our tool will monitor their account data and will send them alerts which will help them to prevent any fraud.

These are not self hosted plan but are SaaS based plans. Any individual publisher can get an account added on our saas platform and can enjoy all the features of AdxGuard tool

We have trained a module on basis of various data of Adx accounts with good score and bad score, on various different metrics. Thus, when AdxGuard receives daily statistics of each AdxAccount, it updates the danger score. It is checked and updated dynamically on basis of daily, monthly and 3 months data and results are shown. One can understand the traffic quality he is getting on the site using this and can take actions like remove ads

Along with our trained AI module, AdxGuard also monitors various dimensions of your Adx account and creates a ticket alert so that one can take actions when spam traffic is coming on their website

Along with our trained AI module, AdxGuard also monitors various dimensions of all the created MA accounts and creates a ticket alert so that one can take actions when any user is abusing policies, hence MCM partners can verify and remove those MA accounts from their MCM accounts